Flip Reference

DataProviderFile Class Reference

Declared in


class DataProviderFile;

Note: Classes part of contrib/ are not supported on every platform. This class is not supported on the WinRT platform.

Generally a data provider represents an abstraction of input serialized data that is platform (endianess and word size) independent.

flip::DataProviderFile is a specialization of data provider which input is a file.

Internally the data is presented in big-endian, and has byte alignment packing.

To input from memory instead of a file, see flip::DataProviderMemory

Member Functions Synopsys


Constructs the DataProviderFile


Destructs the DataProviderFile

operator >>

Extracts value from the provider


Extracts string from the provider


Extracts raw data from the provider


Returns the current reading position in the stream


Seek reading position relative to the beginning of the stream


Seek reading position relative to the current position in the stream

Member Functions


DataProviderFile (const char * path_0);

Constructor. The input of serialization will come from the file with path the null terminated string path_0.

Important: The encoding of path_0 is UTF-8

The path should make possible to open a file for reading. If any error occurs, the constructor will throw std::runtime_error.


~DataProviderFile ();


operator >>

DataProviderFile & operator >> (bool & val);
DataProviderFile & operator >> (char & val);
DataProviderFile & operator >> (uint8_t & val);
DataProviderFile & operator >> (int32_t & val);
DataProviderFile & operator >> (uint32_t & val);
DataProviderFile & operator >> (int64_t & val);
DataProviderFile & operator >> (uint64_t & val);
DataProviderFile & operator >> (double & val);

Extracts value from the provider.

If any error occurs (such as reading past the end of the stream), the method will throw std::runtime_error.

Example :

std::vector <uint8_t> data;
DataConsumerMemory consumer (data);
std::string str ("Flip");
consumer << true;
consumer << int32_t (2);
consumer << 2.5;
consumer << uint64_t (str.size ());
consumer << str;
DataProviderMemory provider (data);
bool val_b;
int32_t val_i;
double val_d;
std::string val_s;
consumer >> val_b; // true
consumer >> val_i; // 2
consumer >> val_d; // 2.5
uint64_t str_size;
consumer >> str_size;
val_s = consumer.read_string (str_size);   // "Flip"
char val_c;
consumer >> val_c; // throws std::runtime_error


std::string read_string (size_t size);

Extracts string from the provider.

If any error occurs (such as reading past the end of the stream), the method will throw std::runtime_error.


const uint8_t *   pull (size_t data_size);

Extracts data_size bytes of raw data from the provider. No byte swap is performed and the packing of data is not changed.

If any error occurs (such as reading past the end of the stream), the method will throw std::runtime_error.


size_t tell ();

Returns the current reading position in the stream.

If any error occurs (such as reading past the end of the stream), the method will throw std::runtime_error.


seek_start (size_t offset_abs = 0);

Seek reading position to offset_abs, relative to the beginning of the stream.

If any error occurs (such as reading past the end of the stream), the method will throw std::runtime_error.


seek_start (size_t offset_rel = 0);

Seek reading position to offset_rel, relative to the current position in the stream.

If any error occurs (such as reading past the end of the stream), the method will throw std::runtime_error.